SmartGrocer: an advanced back-office solution for independent grocers

Use Advanced Tools

Who says the big chains get all the advanced capabilities?

Get access to information previously available only to large companies with even larger budgets.

Control Profitability

From managing cost & retail to watching sales trends, SmartGrocer helps you find and fix problems fast.

Spot a gross-margin problem first thing in the morning instead of waiting for quarterly inventory results.

Streamline Operations

Effectively managing a profitable supermarket requires managing lots of data.

Manual-entry is reduced by flexible data imports.

Mass-update capability reduces manual entry of individual UPC codes.

Promote Effectively

Effective promotion management is critical for independent grocers competing with the big chains.

SmartGrocer helps you with easy management of complex promotions and overlapping events.

Get Out In The Store

Superior customer service comes from associates being out in the store with customers - not tied to a computer in the office.

SmartGrocer handheld applications allow associates to maximize time spent on the sales floor.

Control Your Back-Door

Effective DSD receiving is crucial to run a profitable supermarket. SmartGrocer imports vendor data so you don't have to enter by hand. Scan fast at the back door to ensure accurate costs. Export to accounts payable without re-keying.

Feature Highlights

Sales Reporting

View total company sales immediately following POS end-of-day processing.

Instantly compare multiple years of sales. Switch between stores and total company fast.

Compare year-over-year trends - view by week, period, month, quarter or year

Bucket Sales

Analyze and explore sales performance by pricing strategy such as Ad vs TPR vs Regular Retail

Group and total by departments

Drill down to see specific item that contribute to any segment

Point-Of-Sale Support

Support for IBM SA and EM enhancements

Support for Retalix ISS45 V8, including complex member promotions

Automatically effect POS updates with no store-level intervention needed

Perishables Reporting

Collect inventory data fast by scanning product as it is pulled from the sales area.

Inventory results combine with daily sales data to show percent of sales lost.

Drill-down to item detail lets associates hone production and eliminate waste..

A few of our valued clients